Morning Message - Can you help me edit?

Posted: April 17, 2020

Good Morning Grade 2/3,

today is Friday, April 17th, 2020. How are you this morning. The weather has been so beautiful out this week. I am seeing mor and more grass every day. I have also seen many robins in our year. Have you had any Robins in your yard? What are your plans for today? I will be talking with Mrs. Lee later and I am sure Henry and I will be playing outside too. Henry painted a rainbow with glitter paints and we it in our window so people walking by could see it and smile. How many days or weeks until the next birthday of someone in your family?

Have a greet day and remember to be kind!


Mrs. Melanson

Hint: There are at least 6 mistakes that need editing in our morning message. Can you find them?