Posted: April 7, 2020
Read for 30 minutes. Tell or write a short summary about what you read. In your summary include information about the characters, settings and what happened starting from the beginning to the end. Share what you wrote with someone. | Read a story out loud to someone at your house, over Facetime or to a pet. | Number of the Day: Roll dice to create a 2 digits (gr.2) or 3 digits (gr.3). On paper, represent your number in as many ways as you can. Ex: tallies, addition, subtraction, repeated addition, base tens, money, story problem and words. | Listen to a book or two on Raz Kids and answer the questions at the end of the book.
Tell someone about what you read.
Read the title of your book and do a picture walk. Make a prediction about what you think will happen in the story. Were you right? Share with someone. | Play Dream Box for 30 minutes. | How many little words can you make with the word Cupcake? Write them down. | Use dice to create 2 numbers with 2 digits (gr.2) or 3 digits (gr.3). Add the two numbers together to find the sum. Write a story problem to go along with it. |
Create a scavenger hunt for your family. Hide things around your house and write clues to help them with their search. | Play Simon Says
| Listen to a book or two on Raz Kids and answer the questions at the end of the book.
Tell someone about what you read.
| Play Dream Box for 30 minutes. |