Week 9 Home Learning Grade 2/3 - Choice Board

Posted: June 1, 2020

Play Dream Box

On Epic, search “garden” in the Read to Me section. Then pick non-fiction books. Are there any books you are interested in? Listen to them. Tell someone about something interesting you learned about gardening.

After you read your book think about the title of your book. Why do you think the author chose that title? Use evidence from the book to support that answer.

Play Dream Box

How many words can you make using the letters in “Planting Flowers”

Practice your addition strategies with the following problems:

Grade 2

56 + 27

23 +25

40 + 57

67 + 29

Grade 3

145 + 237

472 + 335

558 + 429

387 +194





Write down information (3-5 things) from the gardening books you listened to on Epic. Write about how you think this information would be helpful to someone doing gardening? How so?

Check out this week’s Nature Ninjas on the Numeracy Home Learning Page.

Think about your favorite part of the school year. Write about it. What happened? Include why it was your favorite. Who was there? How did you feel?

A new STEAM Issue is on the Home Learning Page. This is a great way to do hands-on learning and cross-curricular activities.

Play Dream Box

Practice your subtraction strategies:

Grade 2:

72 – 45

68 – 29

45 – 34

89 – 67

Grade 3:

457 – 135

679 – 445

872 – 645

288 – 257