Yellow back to Orange zones for parts of our province has implications for all of us.To help clarify the provincial guidelines below is a summary of what these changes mean for us.
Pictured here is an example of the masks that our Home and School has purchased for our students! We can't thank them enough for helping us all to be safe! Please check out the Picture Gallery for a picture of everyone wearing their new personalized masks.
Lots of routines and procedures have been put in place and are a part of our day to day operations at Janeville School. Most of our actions outlined in our Operational Plan have been done with many as on-going procedures.
On September 30th, all students are invited to wear orange to celebrate diversity and resilience of our First Nations people. Please see your child's communicator for further information.
Our annual Meet the Teacher night would have "been live" tonight! Please check out your teacher's pages for the updates and their version of Meet the Teacher night. We've included a powerpoint and video to start it off.
Janeville School will be participating in The 40th Annual Terry Fox Run on Friday afternoon, September 25th. This year the run will be in honour of Ms. Connie Ellis, a dear to the heart teacher here at Janeville Elementary. We are extremely sorry to say that we will not be having parents or community join us this year due to the COVID restrictions by Public Health.