Mrs. Lee

So happy to be back to school.

Posted: April 14, 2020


Good Tuesday Morning to you!


This week Mrs. Melanson is posting a word work riddle page on her teacher page for the Grade 2-3's.  Have fun with it!  


Parents, in my essential learning outcomes for writing I was going to spend the rest of the year on conventions.  Conventions in writing is what we refer to as spelling, uppercase letters, punctuation (such as commas for a list, apostrophe’s, periods, exclamation marks), grammar.  They should be creating a little plan before they write as well.  It keeps the writing organized!  This applies to any writing that they do, whether in math, or reading. 


Please continue to master the spelling of the 103 no excuse word list in spelling, that is most important! 

This is on-going work and should be done for the remainder

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello my friends!

I hope you are all well and ready to begin this new learning adventure with us.  

Mrs. Melanson and Mrs. Perry both posted Word Work activities on their page.  

Talk to you soon!