Posted: April 17, 2020
Reading Response Choice Board: Using the book that you are reading, choose two of the options on the choice board to respond to.
B-M-E Write 3 paragraphs summarizing important events that occurred at the Beginning (paragraph 1), Middle (paragraph 2), and End (paragraph 3) of the story.
| 5 Finger Retell Use the five –finger- retell to write 3 paragraphs about a story. Paragraph 1- characters Paragraph 2-setting Paragraph 3 –the problem and how it was solved.
| S-W-B-S (Somebody Wanted But So) Somebody- Who is the story about? Wanted- What did the character want? But- but what happened? So- So how did it end? What happened next?
Character Traits Describe one of the characters in the story by giving examples of a character trait s/he exhibits. Ex: brave, generous, thoughtful, determined, cunning. Use examples from the story.
| I Poems Write a poem from the character’s point of view using some of the following sentence stems: I am… I pretend… I wonder… I feel… I hear… I worry… I see… I cry… I want… I dream… | Alternate Ending Think of a different way the story could have ended. Write a paragraph that describes what could have happened and what the consequences would have been. |
Book Review: Once you have finished reading your book write a book review using the guidelines below.
- Introduce the book and the main characters. Also write a brief summary of the plot, be sure not to give away the ending.
- State your opinion of the book? Did you like it? What was your favorite part and why?
- Would you recommend this book to others?
- Rate your book (1-5 stars).